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Terry Nazon

Weekly Aquarius Horoscope (or Aquarius Rising)
(Copyright ©Terry Nazon Inc. 2024)


by Terry Nazon World Famous Astrologer

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Week of Sep 16 – Sep 23 2024 Updating Per Ms. Nazon’s Schedule
Weekly horoscope are typical uploaded on Tuesday

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 Aquarius: (Jan 21-Feb. 19): As your complimentary astrology horoscope week begins, the Moon will be in the sign of Sagittarius and will transit through to the sign of Pisces. The Moon is the ambiance and your reactions to what you encounter. If your chart agrees, the Moon influences your hopes and fears and brings windfall money and financial gains. It’s an excellent time to reconnect with friends and have an active and fun social life.

Sept.7     It’s 10 Days before the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Pisces at  25°41', Its Eclipse Season! We start bringing in the energy of this Full Moon eclipse that carries us through Apr. 6, 2025.

Eclipse season gets underway with a Full Moon Eclipse in Pisces shortly! The sign of Pisces certainly has gotten lots of attention from the cosmos, starting with Neptune's entrance into Pisces in 2011, its exit in 2025, and then re-entrance into Pisces (2025). Saturn is also in the sign Pisces and will exit and then re-enter Pisces in 2025. Maybe you have already experienced how much you can accomplish by working hard. Laziness, procrastination, giving up, and not doing anything will not be the way to go. The sign of Pisces is your 2nd house of money, wealth, luxury items, possessions and morals, ethics, and character. Things can turn out to be excellent or not so much.

The Lunar North Nodes will enter Pisces for 19 months in January 2025. The sign of Pisces is powerful as it represents the strength and gifts of all the 12 preceding signs. You can achieve your dreams through hard work. You might not realize it, but this axis between Virgo and Pisces has been ignited and extends through next year.

This astrological axis (Virgo-Pisces) is super important. Virgo works hard selflessly, analyzes what needs to be done, and then Pisces rewards. Hard work, toiling away, attention to detail, training, and caring for the body bring Piscean rewards. While you might not see the fruits of your labor or efforts, they will come. If you don't put in the time and effort, the opposite happens: disappointment. It's time to balance being overly critical, picking up everything, and excessively fastidious, which can get on others' nerves, destroy relationships, and dissolve marriages. Please pay attention to these things; your future success depends on it. This axis influences your 2nd house of money and your 8th house of joint finances, jealousy, other people’s money, death,  and overcoming challenges.

Sept.8       The Sun in Virgo opposite Saturn RX in Pisces at 16°, and you may have additional expenses due to children, your love of entertainment and sports, or you could feel trapped by another’s money if you rely on another financially. The Earth is in between the Sun and Saturn RX; there can be pressure on you, making some lash out in stress at someone and feel embarrassed afterward. Everything takes more time and requires more patience; in love, there's a lack of romance, and things have become routine.

Sept.8       Mercury in Leo inconjuncts Neptune RX in Pisces (Rulership) at 29° the fated degree in your 2nd house of money, wealth, luxuries, morals, and ethics, those things that give you pleasure in the moment and that make you feel connected. Eating, talking, and socializing with relatives and friends are 2nd house activities. Mercury rules information, news, ideas, plans, and thinking. In Virgo, over-analyzing, DIY projects, visits to the doctor or dentist, pets, those things you must do to keep things running smoothly, and health-related activities. Neptune likes to gloss over the details, has you opening a box and parts and instructions are missing and plain deception and evading the truth. You might still be trying to get at the truth, figure something out, and get through to customer service. Maybe there’s something you want to do, but you have to consider another person, what they want to do, or how they feel. It’s another astrological aspect that makes you reconsider flings, affairs, and random hook-ups.

Sept.9       The planet of communications, short trips, errands, ideas, commerce, siblings, plans, and sometimes trickery Mercury in Leo inconjuncts Pluto RX in Capricorn at 29° in your 12th house at the fated degree, while Neptune RX and Pluto RX in Capricorn at 29° are sextiling each other at the fated degree. Mercury re-enters Virgo as it did on July 25th and then again on August 14th. This can bring repetitive worry or a crisis. Pluto has moved back to your 12th house for a few months and says, “You can’t move forward with your plans because you forgot something, a responsibility or a debt.” You get sidetracked.

Sept.9       The planet of communications, short trips, errands, ideas, commerce, siblings, plans, and sometimes trickery Mercury enters Virgo (Rulership), your 8thhouse of joint finances, crises, life and death crises, and health challenges. This is a strong placement for Mercury, where you can handle many details, pay attention to essential details, figure things out for yourself, and try fixing things.

Sept.10       2nd Qtr. Moon in Sagittarius at 19° the Great American Solar Eclipse occurred at 19° Aries, and Saturn retrograded at 19° Pisces.

Sept.10       15 Days after Venus trine Uranus RX

8/13                                 8/27                                    9/10

Sept.12       Mercury in Virgo (Rulership) is out of his shadow period. That means Mercury is no longer repeating his retrograde degrees but, in new degrees, brings new ways to see things, work on things, and apply yourself to your daily routine, health issues, or work. Mercury rules information, news, ideas, plans, and thinking. In Virgo, over-analyzing, DIY projects, visits to the doctor or dentist, pets, those things you must do to keep things running smoothly, and health-related activities. It’s time to handle relationship issues, take a break, and settle financial matters.

Sept.12       Venus in Libra (Rulership), the planet of love, wealth, beauty, money, relationships, and marriage, inconjuncts the rule maker Saturn RX in Pisces at 16°; Venus is at her strongest In Libra but needs to see a future with someone in love, a job offer, and anything she undertakes. There’s always money or romance issues now. Someone may remind you what they spent or did for you or threaten to tell your secrets! Secret romances are still possible.

Sept.12       Mercury in Virgo (Rulership) sextiles Mars in Cancer (Fall) at 5°and there are opportunities for working from home, working on your home, and analyzing your emotional reactions.

Sept.12       The Sun in Virgo squares Jupiter in Gemini (Detriment) at 20°. Hurry up and gather all the jobs and work that you can! The Sun in Virgo works hard, is organized, and tends to the most important things related to keeping things running smoothly. But Jupiter is not so happy in Gemini; it's detriment and gets scattered quickly. All month, things get very hectic; people complain, and mistakes need to be corrected. But I'm a fan of Jupiter, and even in Gemini, things tend to work out!

Sept.13       Happy Friday the 13th, the first of the two Fridays the 13th in 2024, and exactly 13 weeks before the second Friday the 13th in December 2024.

Sept.13       The Moon is in Capricorn on Friday the 13th, adding to the spookiness.               

Sept.14       The Sun in Virgo inconjuncts the wounded healer Chiron RX in Aries at 22°, and while the Sun in Virgo loves to fix things, you can't fix everyone or everything. Don’t get frustrated. Be extra careful with accidents, conflicts, and injuries. The Sun in Virgo people make great doctors, nurses, trainers, healers, and helpers.

Sept.15       Venus in Libra (Rulership), the planet of love, wealth, beauty, money, relationships, and marriage, trines Jupiter in Gemini (Detriment) at 20°. There's nothing luckier than when the two beneficial planets align! This week, while relationships are challenging, you can end a relationship if need be and get caught up and distracted by your personal. Or your focus can be on making as much money as possible.

Things get hectic and demand you work a little harder. You might start thinking about a new job, but is that wise? Those prone to picking on others or being too critical could lose a significant relationship. Those who chip away at things and work hard will win! This week, you can get caught up in what you see, hear, or assume, and maybe not the facts. Book your consultation with me!©

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Sept.16       Venus in Libra (Rulership) opposite Chiron RX in Aries at 22°
Sept.17      Eclipse Season is here.
Sept.17      Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Pisces at 25°41' at 10:34 pm ET The 2nd of 4 supermoons in 2024. Also called The Full Corn Moon. Check your free Natal Birth Chart for any planets at 27°.

Sept.18       Mercury in Virgo (Rulership) opposite Saturn RX in Pisces at 15°
Sept.19      The Sun in Virgo trine Uranus  RX in Taurus (Fall) at 27° (positive)
Sept.20       Venus in Libra (Rulership) inconjunct Uranus  RX in Taurus (Fall) at 27°
Sept.20      The Sun in Virgo opposite Neptune RX in Pisces (Rulership) at 28°
Sept.21       Mercury in Virgo (Rulership) square Jupiter in Gemini (Detriment) at 20°
Sept.21       Venus in Libra (Rulership) inconjunct Neptune RX in Pisces (Rulership) at 28°
Sept. 22      The Moon in Taurus conjunct Uranus  RX in Taurus (Fall) at 27°
Sept.22      The Sun in Virgo trine Pluto RX in Capricorn at 29° the fated degree        
Sept.22      Happy Fall Equinox! The Sun enters Libra.
Sept.22      Venus in Libra (Rulership) square Pluto RX in Capricorn at 29° the fated degree
Sept.22       Venus enters Scorpio (Detriment)
Sept.24       Mercury in Virgo (Rulership) trine Uranus  RX in Taurus (Fall) at 27°

Copyright ©Terry Nazon Inc. 2024 All Rights Reserved No part of this document may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means (electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise) without the permission of the copyright owner

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They Say that Astrologers are born not made; meaning you are born an astrologer through many incarnations or not.  Astrology is not easy; I work hard at it constantly in an effort to translate this universal language into easy to understand terms that everyone can understand.  So remember, when you require more details and effortless timing, only a real astrologer can put it all together for you; I am only a phone consultation or email reading away.

 "I don't believe in astrology; I'm a Sagittarius and we're skeptical."    Arthur C. Clarke  

Remember horoscopes can never replace a real consultation with me! The exact degrees and aspects of your Natal Birth Chart which is available here for free, will determine how  you will be affected by the transits! Call Now 954-473-0720 to speak to Terry Nazon directly, all consultations are  pre-paid and by appointment!  

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The 12 Houses - Click on the links below to read how each house influences your personal astrology and horoscope

1st House - 2nd House - 3rd House - 4th House - 5th House - 6th House

7th House - 8th House - 9th House - 10th House - 11th House - 12th House

The Planets - Click each planet to find out more about the meaning of the planets and how they influence your personal astrology and  horoscope

The Sun - The Moon - Mercury - Mercury Retrograde - Venus - Mars - Jupiter - Saturn

Uranus - Neptune - Pluto - Chiron - Fixed Stars - Asteroids - The Lunar  Nodes

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