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Terry Nazon


   Daily Horoscope for Scorpio (and Scorpio Rising)

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<< Yesterday’s Horoscope

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22): Scorpio, your complimentary daily astrology forecast suggests that with the Moon in Gemini and the Sun in Aquarius, logic seems to win today. That's great because Mars RX is retrograde in Cancer (its Fall), where this fiery planet is overwhelmed by emotional waters and tends to be unproductive and too emotional when sensitive about things like food, home dynamics, and family issues. Mars RX in Cancer is not logical! There may be tension in the air as the Sun aspects Mars RX, suggesting that those in charge are not tolerating the stress caused by Mars RX. By the evening, Mercury will also inconjunct Mars RX, so it's best to avoid being out and about with someone in a bad mood. Fortunately, Venus regains her strength and independence through her connection with powerful Pluto. Many people may begin to distance themselves from dysfunctional, moody, irrational family members or dysfunctional relationships. 

Scorpio, you can feel the urge to find love, pursue someone special, and have them love you back. With your heart in your hand, you can react when someone doesn't accept your love. Oh my! Jealousy can lead to feelings of anger and rejection. It's important to remember that the person you desire might not be ignoring you; instead, they are busy with their own life, pursuing their career, attending school, and engaging in activities that matter to them. They are not solely focused on you. You may need reassurance that their absence does not reflect a lack of interest in you. You, too, shouldn't feel trapped at home or with your family! Start to pursue new things. ©

Jupiter in Gemini (Detriment), along with the Moon in Gemini, says, "Those who can, do; those who can't teach."©

Earthquakes are an issue on the beautiful island of Santorini. This peaks and continues through Tuesday. © 

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08 February 2025 at 09:48 GMT
Planets Longitude  
glymph Sun19   glymph Aquarius   52' 58" 
glymphMoon29   glymph Gemini       17' 02" 
glymphMercury19   glymph Aquarius   03' 25" 
glymphVenus02   glymph Aries            51' 43" 
glymphMars18   glymph Cancer   36' 08" R 
glymphJupiter11   glymph Gemini       18' 21" 
glymphSaturn18   glymph Pisces        14' 49" 
glymphUranus23   glymph Taurus         17' 43" 
glymphNeptune28   glymph Pisces        11' 24" 
glymphPluto02   glymph Aquarius   17' 12" 
glymphChiron19   glymph Aries            44' 35" 
© terrynazon.com      


The 12 Houses - Click on the links below to read each house's description to understand how astrology influences your daily horoscope

1st House - 2nd House - 3rd House - 4th House - 5th House - 6th House -

7th House - 8th House - 9th House - 10th House - 11th House - 12th House

The Planets - Click each planet to find out more about it's meaning and how the planets and astrology influences your daily horoscope

The Sun - The Moon - Mercury - Mercury Retrograde - Venus - Mars - Jupiter - Saturn

Uranus - Neptune - Pluto - Chiron - Fixed Stars - Asteroids - The Lunar  Nodes

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