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2025 Lucky Scopes Updating

2025 Horoscopes by Terry Nazon
(Copyright ©Terry Nazon Inc. 2025) 

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When we think about Luck it can come in many different ways. You can win something; certainly, everyone loves to win, and no matter what you win, you feel lucky and special. While many factors go into the Astrology of Luck, it's a favorable Sun, Jupiter, with an element of surprise from Uranus that figures prominently in Luck.

Aries: With Jupiter and Uranus in Taurus, your 2nd house of money, you might find it easier to manifest money this year. Acting on those uncanny hunches you get through Saturn and Neptune in your 12th house can be guided by your subconscious mind and intuition.  The combination of Saturn and Neptune in your 12th house and Jupiter and Uranus in Taurus is a boon for you. Just concentrating or thinking about what you need or want can work wonders toward magically finding money or what you need.

Taurus: with the planet of Luck Jupiter transiting through your Sun sign and Uranus determined to get you on your path, maybe you have already experienced how these two planets can change your life dramatically. The good news is they're not done! Mid-year: The planet of Luck, Jupiter, will enter your 2nd house of money only to be followed by Uranus in 2025. Both planets can bring multiple sources of wealth and income to your life. You might have your hands in lots of money-making ventures this year. You feel like you're living abundantly and lucky when you can buy whatever you want.

Gemini: with Jupiter and Uranus in your 12th house and Saturn and Neptune in your 10th house, some of you find good fortune and Luck through your career and profession and some achieve fame and fortune. That's lucky! Once you get an opportunity, you'll unlikely let it go. This year, getting the attention of those who can further your ambitions and give you bug breaks is what it's all about. You gain by being in the know and connecting to important types who want to meet you.

Cancer: more billionaires are born under the sign of Cancer than any other Sun sign. Maybe it's because the Sun is the ruler of your 2nd house of money, bestowing you with the royal jewels.  The Planets Jupiter and Uranus favor you for windfalls in your 11th house of hopes and dreams, and by the time Jupiter enters Gemini, you find yourself sitting pretty and able to rest a little. Pluto also wants to make you richer as he enters your 8th house of inheritances, insurance, legacies, gain through marriage or others, and big money.

Leo: your ruler, the Sun, increases your joy, courage, and presence. People notice you! Jupiter and make you fixed and determined not to give up on your dreams no matter what. It pays off when Jupiter enters Gemini, Uranus, your 11th house of profits, followed by Uranus in 2025, which increases your profits even more. Well, that's all well and good, and you shouldn't take any chances or your good fortune for granted. You can just as easily lose it all by taking too many chances and abusing power. Luckily you're a natural power broker and know when you go too far.

Virgo: having Jupiter and Uranus in your 9th house could be a boon, affording you the luxury of travel when things get too much in your relationship or at home, Jupiter is the natural ruler of the 9th house, and that makes you double lucky. You naturally seem to follow the money and find ways to earn more. Your desire to make life an adventure and always teach yourself new things or learn brings abundance. The North Node fuels your appetite to earn and keep more for yourself. You won't like it when someone earns more than you for the same job.

Libra: ruled by Venus, you tend to have her favor just by bringing a Libra or Libra Rising. While Jupiter and Uranus are in a sign ruled by the planet Venus, you gain through others, legacies, marriage, inheritances, commissions, and sales. Opportunities fall in your lap when you least expect them; sometimes, you must act quickly. While you might enjoy gambling, you have to be cautious when it comes to taking gambles and risks that are too risky, invest wisely, and be conservative.

Scorpio: you gain through others, through marriage, lucrative friendships, partnerships, and people you are close to. With the lucky planet Jupiter in the sign of money (Taurus) and your 7th house of marriage, partnerships, relationships, and others, who you know prove to be lucrative. Even as Jupiter enters Gemini, your 8th house, you find ways to multiply your resources, gain through contracts and documents, and feel lucky through the people you know and are close to.

Sagittarius: as a Sagittarius, you're ruled by Jupiter and are considered naturally fortunate when you live according to your high ideas and are a positive force in the world. Jupiter, your ruler, is in Taurus, your 6th house, and you avoid conflicts, find employment or employees, and get people to work for you and help you easily. Getting others to work for you can be a boon! But it's Pluto who has brought financial security to you and, in 2024, brings clients and new lucrative business opportunities to you. The pressure is off financially, and money gets easier to hang on to.

Capricorn: you're in a great position to feel fortunate this year. Jupiter is in your 5th house, and the 5th house rules are lucky; it's the storehouse of all your good merits and deeds that you can use when you need some invisible hand of fate to help you. You gain by finding love, being creative, and solving problems; you gain through your children (although there can be separations there) and reunions.  Your generosity makes money and good fortune come back to you. You are the zodiac's winner.

Aquarius: after a year of having Pluto in your 12th house and Saturn and Neptune in your 2nd house, you've manifested wealth and money when needed. Jupiter, the planet of good fortune, transits through your 4th house of income, raising your income and property matters and increasing your good fortune with land and real estate. As Pluto enters your Sun sign, you'll be surprised at how determined and serious you get about making money. With Saturn and Neptune in your 2nd hose of money, unexpected gains come your way. Mid-year, the planet of Luck enters your 5th house of Luck. 

Pisces: The lucky planet Jupiter used to rule your Sun sign and still has a soft spot in his heart for all fish. You gain financially by being responsible with Saturn and your ruler Neptune in your Sun sign, making you determined to make it in the world and be independent. Jupiter sextiles your Sun sign, so there's no shortage of ways to earn money and lucky breaks, especially when you expect everything to go your way. Because it will.


Need to know your Lucky Days? I have a special Report just for that! Click Here

The 12 Houses - Click on the links below to read how each house influences your personal astrology and horoscope

1st House - 2nd House - 3rd House - 4th House - 5th House - 6th House -

7th House - 8th House - 9th House - 10th House - 11th House - 12th House

The Planets - Click each planet to find out more about the meaning of the planets and how they influence your personal astrology and  horoscope

The Sun - The Moon - Mercury - Mercury Retrograde - Venus - Mars - Jupiter - Saturn  

Uranus - Neptune - Pluto - Chiron - Fixed Stars - Asteroids - The Lunar  Nodes

Click Here for more Astrology Accessories™   Astrological Aspects

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