The planet Neptune rules the Sun Sign Pisces and the 12th house of the zodiac. Neptune is the planet that rules dreams, illusions, daydreaming, the connection with cosmic intelligence, galactic consciousness, and creativity that is achieved through connecting to the feeling that you are a part of something bigger. Neptune sways the population like a school of fish in panic or euphoria, despair, hysteria, or celebration. Neptune moves you out of your normal routine and life by luring you outside your comfort zone through love or extraordinary events that make you feel amazing or scared! This is why the world's stock markets are sometimes governed by panic sell-offs or everyone trying to get in on a good thing. He is the planet of illusion; that's not to say you can't gain through Neptune; you can.
How else would we be enticed to experiment and try new things without the influence of imaginative and dreamy Neptune? The planet Neptune creates the idea, the passion, the fantasy, the illusion, and the dream of a lifetime. Wherever Neptune is in your birth chart or transiting in your birth chart, you will experience a blind spot. That's why it's important to understand your natal planets extremely well; It's your blueprint for life.
Neptune and its counterpart, the 12th house, also contribute where you are hesitant to escape a bad situation. It's where you slip into a coma, unable to get out of it, and sometimes a crippling fear takes over. Neptune rules addictions, hospitals, rehab centers, prisons, your partner's health, having to take care of someone, sleeping a lot, Postgraduate degrees, shelters, rehab, escaping, escapism, hiding spots, foreign living, exile, seclusion, or containment, alone time, your hidden strengths, your blind spot, what you don't see. Still, other people see suffering, shyness, sorrows, debts, losses, dissolving, confusion, imagination, large animals, your partner's health, the dark night of the soul, melancholy, the immune system, allergies, drugs, alcohol, music, dance, TV film, photography, behind the camera, fame, and fortune.
Since you are made of stardust and the dust of this Earth, you are part of heaven and part of Earth, practical and impractical. You are both of this earthy plane and part of the stars themselves. Neptune reminds you about his and removes barriers and your inhibitions, lifting you above your material existence. Neptune vibrates at a higher frequency, and when you're undergoing a Neptune transit, so do you. You seek out a spiritual outlet, get involved in spiritual practices, are interested in mind-altering drugs or alcohol, and get more psychic readings. You want to know what works spiritually, why you're feeling so odd, and why you're tuned in to others, can read people yourself, and have done things your old self would never have considered. Neptune acts as the cosmic gateway to the Galactic Consciousness, freeing you from Saturn's cautiousness and all the planets inside Saturn's orbit. The Sun, your ego, and Mercury, thinking too hard, Venus trying to be too nice, Mars fighting, and Jupiter's "formal" education.
The planet of illusions, daydreams, what you imagine yourself to be, fame, outrageous good fortune, losses, disappointment, fear, and that uncontrollable part of you that brings heartfelt tears unexpectedly and unimaginable creativity. Neptune lets you dance without a care, reach beyond, and trip the light fantastic on psychedelic drugs. Neptune allows everyone to see your talent and how special you are, creates art through your hands, and is that conduit that takes imagination to the realm of reality. You say, "I can't believe this is happening to me." You believe you can win the lottery, heal others, see the future, and understand astrology. You feel special, chosen, and different. Or maybe you're only as good as your last victory, a big sale, and you return to being "normal." You might leave a job thinking you can get a better one. You might also believe against the better judgment of others, the advice you are getting, and what others are telling you that you are on the right path. Or maybe in love, that someone you hold high on a pedestal and look up to does love you. This same planet will pull the chair from underneath you and make you face reality to adjust your expectations and have others consoling you or saying, "I told you so."
You have spiritual experiences and feel magical and highly intuitive. If Neptune is afflicted, you feel the world around you and others' negative energy invading your auric field. There's the ever-present duality of victim or victimizer. When Neptune awakens you, you say, "What's happening?" You might delve deeper into the unknown, discovering the esoteric side of life or the occult. You might consider yourself a high priestess or high priest intoxicated with not drugs or alcohol but with spirituality. You open yourself through what you believe to be true to false Gurus, teachers, mediocre people who use you for their gain, and maybe people lower than you on the karmic wheel of life.
During your Neptune transit, you want to know what works spiritually, why you're feeling so odd, and why you're tuned in to others, can read people, feel more compassion, and have done things your old self would never have considered. When things don't work out, you can blame others and play the victim because they didn't go along with your altered state of consciousness or misled you because you're not responsible for what happened while you were in an altered Neptunian state or too naive. With Neptune, if you don't take action and do what you're supposed to, others will take over and lead you. That's not always a good thing. Neptune insists you conquer your irrational fears that are there in your laying in wait is your subconscious mind, So therapy, hypnosis, subliminal de-programming, and re-programming, mantras, prayer, and philanthropy are good options to uncover what's in your subconscious mind holding you back. Neptune does demand a certain amount of sacrifice, martyrdom, and spiritual growth but doesn't want you to get lost in that desert of otherworldliness. Well, that's what you might think anyway. Things get complicated. Understanding Neptune in your chart Click here!
Neptune, the Shockingly Forbidden
Neptune, the planet that rules the sign of Pisces and is the higher octave of the planet Venus is transiting Aquarius. Ever since Neptune entered Aquarius, our world has been rocked by all things previously unthinkable and unimaginable, the shockingly forbidden. We could have never imagined that there would be a day when the Twin Towers wouldn't be a part of the New York City landscape, yet that day has come and gone, and we have acclimated to it. So many other shocking events have happened throughout this transit that have changed our lives and that we now take as normal. Taking your shoes off before boarding a plane, your children going through a metal detector to go into a classroom, worrying about your child being killed at school, and teachers being afraid of students are the shockingly forbidden things that have been breached.
This year Neptune conjoins Jupiter and Chiron in a rare cosmic event that hasn't happened since 1945, the year the first Atomic Bomb was dropped on a populated area, Nagasaki and Hiroshima. Neptune as ruler of the sign of Pisces and the solar 12th house represents those things that society doesn't want to see or know about. What goes on behind closed doors is fine; what you do in your home's privacy is no one's business, and no one cares; but air your dirty laundry, and people are not just shocked they are turned off. We really don't want to know about what goes on in airport bathrooms or the seedy elements that may exist, and most of us probably don't even imagine these things. Yet Neptune in Aquarius is going for shock value! It's forcing us to look at that part of our world and our collective consciousness that goes too far that is not well. Neptune in Aquarius is exposing those elements of our collective consciousness that are in you, me, and everyone. It's part of the process of evolution. Aquarius is Pisces' 12th house and represents the fears and phobias we normally suppress and don't act upon. In much the same way, all those born under the sign of Pisces must feel about exposing and unleashing their suppressed powers on everyone. The 12th house is the collapse, the end, how things finish out; before the rebuilding and restructuring takes place or can take place. Even in death, there would be restructuring as our soul lives on. Are we going to experience such a collapse, such a shockingly forbidden event that we will have to rebuild, reevaluate and restructure our lives and our world?
Neptune Retrograde
Under the influence of Neptune, our soul moves backward and forwards; you find yourself living in the dream state of imagination and dreams, the subconscious mind is working, and you're formulating your dreams. Your soul moves backward in a negative direction until ready to change directions. Fed up and sometimes discouraged, crunch time comes, reality breaks through, and your soul changes directions, moving forward. Maybe it's time to stop mourning a loss, drinking or using drugs, or seeing your favorite psychic or healer. We never confront things, though; you disappear and avoid going back. The release is painful, resulting in tears of disillusionment as our dreams and imaginations are shattered. A new reality emerges. What you thought you had, you don't. What or how you relied upon is gone. Then you are compelled to use the creative powers of the soul to create and establish a new belief system or foundation. It's like waking up from a dream. Positive, creative functions and the forward-moving direction of your soul result in concrete rebirth. You know if you are on a negative or positive path with Neptune by observing how your imagination's real or concrete tangible products work out in real life. An imaginary love affair will produce nothing concrete; real love produces concrete results. When Neptune resumes direct motion, it's like waking up from a dream. Your fears, irrational thinking, and desire to escape the calling of the universe resolve themselves with a thud. It's time to understand those strange feelings and psychic disturbances you've been feeling and put words to them. That's how we bring our thoughts, fears, disappointments, and disillusionments to life. We put words or characters to them, draw them; we write lyrics and poems, releasing them.
When Neptune retrogrades for a time, it makes you oblivious about previous disappointments and painful experiences. Your tears dry, and those disappointments and painful experiences fade. Other things in your life become more important. You move on in some sense. That's until you see something and are reminded about a hurtful experience; there's a coincidence, a dream, an unusual scent in the air, a call from an ex who trashed your feelings and stomped on your love, or something that reminds you of a tragedy or loss. Your Neptune experiences are still there in the deep recesses of your subconscious and, on occasion, remind you. Neptune retrogrades for about five months and helps you forget a painful experience or loss. But once wounded, you might heal, but if afflicted, Neptune RX has left a scar you can see but must live with. Neptune retrograde subtly reminds you that it can happen again.
Neptune's symbol is the trident
Neptune rules oil, petroleum, liquids, distillation, the worlds oceans and seas, things you can't see but feel.
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