The Cardinal Earth sign - Capricorn
The Earthy Capricorn Character
21st December - 20th January
The sign of Capricorn is a cold wintery Sun sign, dry feminine, negative, and given to bouts melancholy. The ruler of the sign of Capricorn is the planet Saturn, the planet of its detriment is the Moon, the planet it’s exalted in is Mars, and its Fall is Jupiter. The sign of Capricorn belongs to the Earth triplicity. This means one of the three Earth signs. The glyph or symbol for Capricorn is the mountain goat or in ancient times half goat and half fish symbolizing the spiritual into the material.
The sign of Capricorn is cardinal feminine sign. Cold and dry it ushers in the Winter Solstice. It's symbol is a goat but it's ancient symbol is half goat half fish. This is symbolic of humanities evolution from water to earth or from the spiritual to the material.
Capricorn's Archangel is Haniel, the angel is Saritiel, and the tribe of Israel is Zebulon Joints, bones and knees are ruled by this Sun. The skin is also ruled by Capricorn.
Things ruled by Capricorn: Ice chests, leather, belts, old trees, coffins, cement, goats, ice, snow, horns, hemlock Places ruled by Capricorn: jails, cells, vaults, tombs, goat pens, corrals, thorny barren places, cellars, pits, frozen places, dungeons, convents, old churches, and thick forests ©
Sun Sign |
First Decanate |
Second Decanate |
Third Decanate |
Aries |
Aries |
Leo |
Sagittarius |
Taurus |
Taurus |
Virgo |
Capricorn |
Gemini |
Gemini |
Libra |
Aquarius |
Cancer |
Cancer |
Scorpio |
Pisces |
Leo |
Leo |
Sagittarius |
Aries |
Virgo |
Virgo |
Capricorn |
Taurus |
Libra |
Libra |
Aquarius |
Gemini |
Scorpio |
Scorpio |
Pisces |
Cancer |
Sagittarius |
Sagittarius |
Aries |
Leo |
Capricorn |
Capricorn |
Taurus |
Virgo |
Aquarius |
Aquarius |
Gemini |
Libra |
Pisces |
Pisces |
Cancer |
Scorpio |
Each Sun Sign is divided into 3 different decanate's the 1st 10 degrees are the 1st decanate, degrees 10-20 are the 2nd decanate and degrees 20-30 are the 3rd decanate. For example an Aries Sun Sign born April 1st will most likely be ruled by the 2nd decanate Leo and will have Leo qualities.
The 12 Houses - Click on the links below to read how each house influences your personal astrology and horoscope
1st House - 2nd House - 3rd House - 4th House - 5th House - 6th House -
7th House - 8th House - 9th House - 10th House - 11th House - 12th House
The Planets - Click each planet to find out more about it's meaning
The Sun - The Moon - Mercury - Mercury Retrograde - Venus - Mars - Jupiter - Saturn
Uranus - Neptune - Pluto - Chiron - Fixed Stars - Asteroids - The Lunar Nodes
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