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Terry Nazon

Monthly Horoscope For Gemini (or Gemini Rising)
(Copyright ©Terry Nazon Inc. 2025) 


 by Terry Nazon

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February 2025
Individual Horoscope interpretations are for Monthly Horoscope Subscribers Pls. Subscribe

This is the Monthly outlook for February. Subscribe to the Detailed Monthly Horoscopes to see how February’s planets influence you, your Sun sign, and your Rising or Moon sign!

Gemini: (May 21-Jun. 22): As February gets underway, a lot of things are going on in the sign of Pisces! First, the day ruler is Venus, at her beautiful exaltation degree (27º), and Neptune, also at Venus's exaltation degree. There's the Royal Star Fomalhaut at 4º, Saturn at 17º where he first transited in May, then in August, and he makes his 3rd pass at 17º now. But that's not all. By Feb.19th, Saturn will be out of his retrograde degrees, and he won't repeat in new degrees. The North Node connects to the Star Scheat at 29º. Some of these degrees in Pisces will be transited by Mercury and Venus retrograde in March, April, and Saturn! What fear or apprehension will you be working on?  ©

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February 2025

Feb.01b      Venus in Pisces (Exaltation) conjunct Neptune in Pisces (Rulership) at 27°
Feb.02      Ground Hog Day Imbolc
Feb.03       Mercury in Aquarius trine Jupiter RX in Gemini (Detriment) at 11°. Mercury is the information planet that transits around the zodiac, gathering information from the other planets for you.
Feb.03       Mars RX in Cancer (Fall) square Chiron in Aries at 19° Saturn's retrograde degree
Feb.04      a href="https://www.terrynazon.com/venus.html" target="_blank" >Venus enters Aries (Detriment) 
Feb.04       Jupiter S Direct in Gemini (Detriment) at 11°
Feb.05      2nd Qtr. Moon in Taurus at 16°
Feb.07      The Sun in Aquarius (Detriment) inconjunct Mars RX in Cancer (Fall) at 18°
Feb.07      Venus in Aries (Detriment) sextile Pluto in Aquarius at 2°
Feb.07       Mercury in Aquarius inconjunctMars RX in Cancer (Fall) at 18°
Feb.08      Sun in Aquarius (Detriment) sextile Chiron in Aries at 19°
Feb.08       Mercury in Aquarius sextile Chiron in Aries at 19°
Feb.09      Sun in Aquarius (Detriment) conjunct  Mercury in Aquarius
Feb.09       Mars RX in Cancer (Fall) trine Saturn in Pisces at 18°
Feb.10       Mercury in Aquarius square Uranus in Taurus (Fall) at 23°
Feb.11      Sun in Aquarius (Detriment) square Uranus in Taurus (Fall) at 23°
Feb.12       Full Moon in Leo at 24°00' at 8:53 am ET. This Full is also called The Snow Moon. Every Full Moon is the culmination of events, circumstances, and events you have been working on. Check your free Natal Birth Chart for any planets at 24°
Feb.14      Mercury enters Pisces (Detriment)
Feb.14      Happy Valentine's Day
Feb.17      President's Day
Feb.17       Pallas, The Goddess of strategy and war, enters Aquarius
Feb.18      The Sun enters Pisces, the last sign of the zodiac.
Feb.20      4th Qtr. Moon in Sagittarius at 2°
Feb.20       Saturn in Pisces at 19° is in new degrees and out of his retrograde shadow. Until April 7th, Saturn will be in new degrees that he will not repeat. This is a unique time when you can make plans and forge ahead unimpeded by having to go back and fix serious issues you might have taken for granted.
Feb.20       Mercury in Pisces (Detriment) square Jupiter in Gemini (Detriment) at 11°
Feb.21       Juno enters Sagittarius
Feb.23       Mercury in Pisces (Detriment) trine Mars S RX in Cancer (Fall) at 17°
Feb.23       Mars S Direct in Cancer (Fall) at 17°
Feb.24       Ceres enters Pisces
Feb.25       Mercury in Pisces (Detriment) conjunct Saturn in Pisces at 19°
Feb.27       Mercury in Pisces (Detriment) sextile Uranus in Taurus (Fall) at 23°
Feb.27      The New Moon in Pisces at 9°41' @ 7:45 pm ET. Check your free Natal Birth Chart Natal Birth Chart for any planets at 9°. Every New Moon starts a new cycle of reactions to experiences, circumstances, events, and people that come your way.

Compare the degrees you see here to your Free Birth Chart.

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©Terry Nazon Inc, 2025 All Rights Reserved No part of this document may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means (electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise) without the permission of the copyright owner

They Say that Astrologers are born not made; meaning you are born an astrologer through many  incarnations or not.  Astrology is not easy; I work hard at it constantly in an effort to translate this universal language into easy to understand terms that everyone can understand.  So remember, when you require more details and effortless timing, only a real astrologer can put it all together for you; I am only a phone consultation or email reading away. .

Remember horoscopes can never replace a real consultation with me! The exact degrees and aspects of your Natal Birth Chart which is available here for free, will determine how  you will be affected by the transits! Call Now 954-473-0720 to speak to Terry directly, all consultations are  pre-paid and by appointment! We accept all major Credit Cards and Paypal that influence your Monthly Horoscope

The 12 Houses - Click on the links below to read each house's description to understand how astrology influences your daily horoscope

1st House - 2nd House - 3rd House - 4th House - 5th House - 6th House -

7th House - 8th House - 9th House - 10th House - 11th House - 12th House

The Planets - Click each planet to find out more about it's meaning and how the planets and astrology influences your daily horoscope

The Sun - The Moon - Mercury - Mercury Retrograde - Venus - Mars - Jupiter - Saturn

Uranus - Neptune - Pluto - Chiron - Fixed Stars - Asteroids - The Lunar  Nodes

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