The Sun Sign of Gemini
21st May - 21st June
Gemini is a mutable air sign with lends to their whimsical, changeable and versatile personalities. Like all air signs, they think very quickly and act upon their thoughts and ideas immediately. Air is everywhere, and Gemini likes to know everything that's going on in their world. Talented with the use of words, speech, and their ability to influence others with their use, Gemini can harm others too with words, gossip, rumor mills, and mindless chatter. This intellectual Sun sign makes for excellent writers and communicators. The sign of Gemini is ruled by the planet Mercury. The day of the week ruled by Mercury is Wednesday.
Gemini is a barren, masculine, Sun sign, and the last sign of Spring. It's considered a double-bodied Sun sign try to its symbol represented by the Twins. That means it is a dual sign as Geminis have two well-defined sides. Gemini is biblically related to Cain and Abel. It's a human Sun sign as its symbol or glyph is the twins, which are human. Gemini's ruler is Mercury, who rules Wednesday. Gemini's detriment is Jupiter, its exaltation is the Lunar North Node, and its Fall is the Lunar South Node. The part of the body ruled by Gemini is the nervous system, the hands, and arms. Many speak with their hands and their entire body.
Gemini, while talkative, pride themselves on their ability to sway or convince others that they are right. This attribute can lead to gossip, restlessness rumor starting. Insomnia and mental restlessness can be problems for this Sun sign. They can be super smart as one of the most intellectual Sun signs of the zodiac and have a curiosity about life, well into old age. Gemini is attentive, eloquent, and ambitious. They have to learn to relax, and quick minds lead them into being tricky sometimes. From an early age, education should be a priority for this air sign. Gemini enjoys being different, standing out, hates to conform, and likes to be the source of original ideas. They don't mind breaking the rules either. They are charming and have a particular need for money, wealth, and beautiful things in their lives.
Gemini gets along well with Libra and Aquarius but finds Aries and Leo great companions too.©
Gemini: The sign of Gemini refers to the biblical Cain and Abel
The Archangel for Gemini is Ambriel
The Angel associated with Gemini is Sarayel
The prophet Zachariah is associated with Gemini and the Tribe of Israel associated with Gemini is Manasseh
Parts of the body ruled by Gemini are the nervous system, the two lungs, upper ribs, collarbones, shoulder blades, the bones of the arms, wrists and hands
Places associated with Gemini are Doorways, walls, upper back rooms, bookcases, hills and barren mountains, and anything made or sold in pairs©
Sun Sign |
First Decanate |
Second Decanate |
Third Decanate |
Aries |
Aries |
Leo |
Sagittarius |
Taurus |
Taurus |
Virgo |
Capricorn |
Gemini |
Gemini |
Libra |
Aquarius |
Cancer |
Cancer |
Scorpio |
Pisces |
Leo |
Leo |
Sagittarius |
Aries |
Virgo |
Virgo |
Capricorn |
Taurus |
Libra |
Libra |
Aquarius |
Gemini |
Scorpio |
Scorpio |
Pisces |
Cancer |
Sagittarius |
Sagittarius |
Aries |
Leo |
Capricorn |
Capricorn |
Taurus |
Virgo |
Aquarius |
Aquarius |
Gemini |
Libra |
Pisces |
Pisces |
Cancer |
Scorpio |
Each Sun Sign is divided into 3 different decanate's the 1st 10 degrees are the 1st decanate, degrees 10-20 are the 2nd decanate and degrees 20-30 are the 3rd decanate. For example an Aries Sun Sign born April 1st will most likely be ruled by the 2nd decanate Leo and will have Leo qualities.
The 12 Houses - Click on the links below to read how each house influences your personal astrology and horoscope
1st House - 2nd House - 3rd House - 4th House - 5th House - 6th House -
7th House - 8th House - 9th House - 10th House - 11th House - 12th House
The Planets - Click each planet to find out more about it's meaning
The Sun - The Moon - Mercury - Mercury Retrograde - Venus - Mars - Jupiter - Saturn
Uranus - Neptune - Pluto - Chiron - Fixed Stars - Asteroids - The Lunar Nodes
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