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Terry Nazon


   Daily Horoscope for Leo (and Leo Rising)

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<< Yesterday’s Horoscope

Leo (July 22-Aug. 23): Leo, your complimentary daily astrology forecast suggests that with the Moon in Gemini and changing signs to Cancer, it's a drive and then a feast. Gemini loves to drive, and Cancer loves to cook for an army! The sign of Cancer is also known to be very patriotic, and these two signs, according to the ancient texts, will fight together! Happy 4th of July! The day ruler is fortunate JupiterJuno, the asteroid of marriage that connects couples in matrimony, opposes Saturn RXmaking you compare everyone to your ex! Venus, the planet of love, is in Cancer and wants to nest and settle down, and Mars agrees! Will Mars (the man in your life) have an epiphany or sudden enlightenment and decide he wants to settle down? It could happen. Leo, you might be unusually quiet and only say what you feel to those you can trust. That circle of people you can trust isn't very large, so you have to keep them close to you. You try hard not to step on toes or insult others because you've learned it doesn't pay to have too many enemies in high places. So, for now, you're quiet and keeping how you really feel a secret.    ©

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05 July 2024 at 14:42 GMT
Planets Longitude  
glymph Sun14   glymph Cancer   03' 39" 
glymphMoon09   glymph Cancer   52' 16" 
glymphMercury05   glymph Leo   09' 18" 
glymphVenus22   glymph Cancer   32' 38" 
glymphMars19   glymph Taurus         16' 09" 
glymphJupiter09   glymph Gemini       12' 24" 
glymphSaturn19   glymph Pisces        24' 00" R 
glymphUranus25   glymph Taurus         55' 28" 
glymphNeptune29   glymph Pisces        55' 45" R 
glymphPluto01   glymph Aquarius   16' 47" R 
glymphChiron23   glymph Aries            20' 36" 
© terrynazon.com      


The 12 Houses - Click on the links below to read each house's description to understand how astrology influences your daily horoscope

1st House - 2nd House - 3rd House - 4th House - 5th House - 6th House -

7th House - 8th House - 9th House - 10th House - 11th House - 12th House


The Planets - Click each planet to find out more about it's meaning and how the planets and astrology influences your daily horoscope

The Sun - the Moon - Mercury - Venus - Mars - Jupiter - Saturn - Uranus

Neptune - Pluto - Chiron - Fixed Stars - Asteroids - The Lunar  Nodes

 Click Here for more Astrology Accessories™   Astrological Aspects     

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