Astrology is a language. If you understand this language, the sky speaks to you. Dane Rudhyar
With a career spanning more than 30 years professional and expert Celebrity Astrologer to the stars and astrologer to the rich and famous, Terry Nazon is considered by the media to be the rising star in astrology today. Terry Nazon holds long standing memberships in many major astrological fellowships and professional organizations including the AFA, The American Federation of Astrologers, AAN, SFAA, ISAR, and NCGR. A Board Member of Florida Atlantic Chapter of the NCGR. Need More of Terry's Horoscopes? Terry Nazon has been a Horoscope Contributor to iheartradio and has been featured in Life & Style Magazine, In Touch Weekly Magazine, German Newspapers, and has appeared on KTLA, SKY TV, NTV, Yahoo Shine, Perez Hilton, Bravo TV's Millionaire Matchmaker and numerous TV Shows and News outlets across the world. Voted one of the top 10 astrologers by Time Warner's Books Top Best Astrologer's in America Terry Nazon is the top Astrologer in the world today. Read More...
Remember, Horoscopes are great but they don't compare to a Personal Consultation with me. Go to my web store & book a consultation or purchase one of my many popular astrology reports!

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